1/04/23 Lit Word “Supernatural Results⚡”
Jan 04, 2024Date: 1/04/23
Today's Reading:
OT: Genesis 8:1 - 10:32
NT: Matthew 4:12-25
Psalms: 4:1-8
Proverbs: 1:20-23
Neal’s Lit Word
Title: “Supernatural Results⚡”
Scripture: Proverbs 1:23
Turn to my reproof [don’t run away from my correction], and I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you.
Observation: What is God saying to me?
The natural response most people take when corrected is to turn away from it or be defensive. Rather than taking the natural response we need to choose a super-natural response and turn into the correction. The Lord does not correct us to harm us, it is always to help us. Like a good coach observing the actions of an athlete, the Holy Spirit points out ways we are off and can do better. When we listen to the correction from the coach, huge gains open up before us. When we withdraw from correction we repeat the negative result and miss the acceleration.
Application: What will I do about it?
Outpouring of the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and understanding is the result of being coachable. Receiving correction isn’t natural but produces super-natural results. Trust the coach's corrections. Don’t despise it, receive it.
Holy Spirit, thank You for correcting us for our good. We want more of your Spirit Lord. Pour out wisdom and understanding as we turn toward You. Amen!
I Am Grateful For… Supernatural Results
Tracker Questions
Think back and describe a time when you turned toward God's correction and not away from it.
What were the results of this response?
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