1/06/24 Lit Word “Believe Anyway”
Jan 06, 2024Date: 1/06/24
Today's Reading:
OT: Genesis 13:1 - 15:21
NT: Matthew 5:27-48
Psalms: 6
Proverbs: 1:29-33
Neal’s Lit Word
Title: “Believe Anyway”
Scripture: Genesis 15:6
Then he (Abram) believed in the Lord; and He (the Lord) reckoned (credited) it to him as righteousness.
Observation: What is God saying to me?
Your circumstances do not always look promising but you are not called to trust your circumstances, you are called to trust in Me, the Lord. When I make a promise, I always deliver on the promise. The timing won’t necessarily match the timing you are hoping for but the promise will show up right on time. Your time is not My time. Don’t get caught staring at circumstances and timing, instead fix your focus on Me, the One who delivers on His promise. This is the true test of trust. Will you believe what I said even when current circumstances and evidence don’t align with My promise? When you arrive at this level of trust, then I am well pleased because you are leaning on faith and not on sight.
Application: What will I do about it?
Hold onto hope, expecting God to deliver on the promises He makes. Rely on Him and not your own efforts or abilities. Proclaim and profess dependence on Him and release striving, straining and struggling to make something happen. Rest, Trust and Rely on the Lord. Period. When He says to take action, do it immediately.
Jesus, You allowed your human will and desire to be yielded and crucified knowing that Your Father’s plan was perfect. Help us to follow Your lead in the power and strength of the Spirit today. Amen
I Am Grateful For… expectation of good… no matter what!
Tracker Questions
Has God made you promises that look different than your circumstances?
What promises are you holding onto?
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