1/29/24 Lit Word “Holy Place”

Jan 29, 2024

Date: 1/29/24
Today's Reading:
OT: Exodus 8:1 - 9:35
NT: Matthew 19:13-30
Psalms: 24
Proverbs: 6:1-5

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Holy Place”

Scripture: Psalm 24:3

Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?
And who may stand in His holy place?


Observation: What is God saying to me?

My child, through Jesus, and you being empowered by the Holy Spirit, prayer is your portal to My presence. Standing in the holy place is the right, privilege and honor I give to My children. You are My child. You know how to enter. Knock on the door with humility, do not be hasty in My presence. Through humility, ask, seek, knock and you will be granted access. I died to give you access to My presence. I want you in the room with Me. A Father is never happier than when His kids are with Him in unity. The door is open to you.


Application: What will I do about it?

Set your mind on the holiness of God. Enter with reverence and confidence that the King has opened the door for you. Continually acknowledge Him, He will open the doors and light the way even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Fear no evil. He is with you, His lovingkindness corrects your course and causes you to walk the straight path of conquest for His kingdom's sake. Honor the covenant and stand before the King.



Holy God, I am grateful to stand in your presence. Though there have been times I have entered recklessly, You have constantly and faithfully loved me and opened Your door so I may enter in.


I Am Grateful For… the open door

Tracker Questions

Is there anything keeping you from knocking on the door with humility, boldness and confidence?

What do you need to do to remove what is keeping you from standing in His holy place?

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