10/21/23 Lit Word “Comeback King 👑”
Oct 21, 2023Date: 10/21/23
Today's Reading:
OT: Jeremiah 37:1-38:28
NT: 1 Timothy 6:1-21
Psalms: 89:38-52
Proverbs: 25:28
Neal’s Lit Word
Title: “Comeback King 👑”
Lord, where is your unfailing love? You promised it to David with a faithful pledge. Consider, Lord, how your servants are disgraced! I carry in my heart the insults of so many people. Your enemies have mocked me, O Lord ; they mock your anointed king wherever he goes. Psalms 89:49-51
Observation: What is God saying to me?
Sometimes my promises take longer to fulfill than you think they should.
In fact, like David, circumstances can even seem to be heading in the wrong direction. Odds may seem stacked against you at times but remember this…. IT’S NOT OVER. In the seasons of your greatest struggle is when you are being taught deep lessons that will carry on for years to come. Your enemies are My enemies and My enemies are your enemies if you are walking tight with Me.
Application: What will I do about it?
⬆No matter what… keep your deepest certainty rooted in God’s faithfulness. Even when it looks like you are down for the count, know that your Father who loves you and is for you is the King of the comeback!
With certainty, stand firm in the face of opposition, not with aggression but with confidence in the Comeback King!
Jesus, You are the King of the comeback. Thank You for refining us through struggles and trials, the tests lead to trust and certainty. Cause our faith to increase and our joy to overflow as we watch You come back and bring victory! Amen!
I Am Grateful For… The Comeback King
Tracker Questions
Think back and describe a time when it seemed like you were down for the count and then God shows up and brings a comeback.
What does a comeback look like for you today?
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