10/29/23 Lit Word “Bitter Roots”

lit word Oct 29, 2023

Date: 10/29/23
Today's Reading:
OT: Lamentations 1 - 2:22
NT: Philemon 1
Psalms: 101:1-8
Proverbs: 26:20

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Bitter Roots”

Scripture: Psalm 101:5

Whoever secretly slanders his neighbor, him will I destroy; no one who has a haughty look and an arrogant heart will I endure.

Observation: What is God saying to me?

Pride shows up in your life right before a fall. Stumbling comes when you are so arrogant to think that you are perfect and right while everyone else is wrong. Slander, gossip and creating problems among people are things I will not tolerate. Mind your own business. Take care of yourself. Quit talking about and worrying about other people, do what you need to do to be right before Me. Let Me take care of everyone else.

Application: What will I do about it?

It’s easy to think that God is the type of parent who will just let His kids get away with murder. We live in a sugar coated society of soft words and soft thoughts when it comes to God. Yes, God is love! Yes, God is grace and God is mercy. God gives us mercy when we deserve punishment. That’s an amazing God! But He also corrects His kids when they step out of line and that’s an amazing God too! → Today we must check our hearts. Are there any seeds of slander or arrogance of heart sprouting in us? If the Lord points out anything, pluck it out through prayer and repentance.


Holy Spirit, we invite you to point out and pluck out any seeds of slander or arrogance of heart that may be trying to take root in us. We want to be people in good standing with You, trained by Your Spirit to do as you do. In Jesus’ Name… Amen!

I Am Grateful For… Mercy and Grace → Not getting what we deserve and unconditional love through Jesus.

Tracker Questions

As you allow your heart to be searched by the Holy Spirit did He point out any “seeds of slander” or “arrogance of heart” in you?

If so, what will you do to get rid of these bitter roots?

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