11/20/23 Lit Word "Faith Opportunities"

Nov 20, 2023

Date: 11/20/23
Today's Reading:
OT: Ezekiel 40:28 - 41:26
NT: James 4:1-17
Psalms: 118:19-29
Proverbs: 28:3-5

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: Faith Opportunities

Scripture: James 4:17

Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do, and does not do it, to him it is sin.

Observation: What is God saying to me?

When you have been born of My Spirit, the Spirit of the Living God, you have been born again. Your Spirit is awakened, and you are no longer a slave to sin. You are an awakened child of God. This means that you now have communion with Me. You can walk and talk with Me. This does not mean that you cannot sin, it simply means that you have the ability to do works of faith empowered by Me. When I assign you works of faith and you do not do them, it is sin. It does not mean that you are not saved, it means that you have fallen short and are missing the opportunity to see the effects of faith and my Spirit enacted upon the earth. Not only do you miss the reward, you also cause others to miss the blessing I intended for them because you chose not to follow through. Joy comes through obedience, misery comes through sin. As a born again believer, you get to choose the result.

Application: What will I do about it?

Today let us choose to shake off laziness and act on the faith opportunities God has given us. There is no greater pleasure than partnering with the Creator of heaven, earth and everything in between in seeing joy, hope, peace and blessing come upon the earth.



Lord Jesus, You opened up the greatest opportunity before us. We get the chance to be an extension of your grace, mercy, life and love to the world around us. Holy Spirit, fill us fresh today with faith to do all that you have shown us needs to be done, In Jesus’ Name… Amen!


I Am Grateful For… Faith Opportunities and the courage to step out and accomplish them.

Tracker Questions

Has God awakened you and placed things in your life you know you need to do?

What are those things you know you need to do in this season?

How will you enact faith through grace and get them done?

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