12/16/23 Lit Word “Explosive 🧨Seeds”

Dec 16, 2023

Date: 12/16/23
Today's Reading:
OT: Micah 5:1 - 7:20
NT: Revelation 7:1-17
Psalms: Psalm 135
Proverbs: Proverbs 30:5,6

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Explosive 🧨Seeds”

Scripture: Micah 7:15,16 (paraphrased)

As in the days when you came out of struggle and slavery, I will show you miracles. Your enemies will see and be ashamed and put their hand on their mouth.


Observation: What is God saying to me? 🧨🧨🧨

Child, think back on the different times I have rescued you from deep struggles and made a way that you did not see through a land you did not know. I’m going to do that again. Depend on Me as your lamp through dark territory. I will once again miraculously make a way through your current hardship and opposition. Do not allow your heart and mind to be overcome by the pressure. Do not slide into the dark hole the dark enemy is trying to pull you into. Instead, declare your allegiance to Me and speak light and love into the darkness. Your enemies will see and be ashamed. They will put their hand over their mouths in astonishment at the miraculous strength of My hand.


Application: What will I do about it?

Today is a day of proclamation and declaration. Proclaim the promises of God. Declare the goodness of God. Speak forth the Lit Words of God. Use these proclamations as tools to penetrate the darkness with explosive 🧨 seeds of light.



Jesus, You are the Light that entered the darkness in human form. You entered the earth as a miraculous seed of light and conquered darkness and death in a sneak attack. You have chosen us to do the same, to be light in darkness and to penetrate hate with love. Empower us in Your name to be the light, and cause the enemies of God to cover their mouths in shame. Amen!


I Am Grateful For… 🧨 Explosive Seeds of Light

Tracker Questions

What would you say is your greatest struggle with darkness in the current season of your life?

How can you take action through faith and declaration, proclaiming explosive seeds of light into your dark situation?

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