12/18/23 Lit Word β€œFall or Flight πŸ¦…β€

Dec 18, 2023

Date: 12/18/23
Today's Reading:
OT: Habakkuk 1:1 - 3:19
NT: Revelation 9
Psalms: 137
Proverbs: 30:10

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Fall or Flight πŸ¦…”

Scripture: Habakkuk 2:4

Behold, as for the proud one, His soul is not right within him; But the righteous shall live by faith.

Observation: What is God saying to me?

My child, do not think too highly of yourself. Keep a humble perspective on who you are in this world without the Holy Spirit. Apart from Me you can do nothing. Pride comes before a fall but faith comes before a flight. If you want to soar on wings like eagles, run and not get tired, it’s faith in God that will get you there. Not faith in yourself. Faith in God who causes you to be capable of soaring. You do not operate in our own strength and power, you choose to operate in My strength and power. A person's soul is not right if they operate in pride, but the one who functions in faith will fly like the eagle. You were born to fly.


Application: What will I do about it?

Keep a close eye on internal motives. Do you do things to be seen, known, congratulated or appreciated? Or is your motivation for Jesus to be seen, known, congratulated and appreciated. The righteous live to give credit to the King, not take His credit. Stand in faith today, knowing that He created you to be part of His royal court, but make sure the inner chambers of your heart give glory and credit to the King.



Jesus, You made a way. You changed our lives both now and forever. With You nothing is impossible, with You we are more than conquerors. You are the key πŸ”‘ to the equation. We are not the common denominator, You are! You get the credit, we get to play in Your kingdom. Amen!


I Am Grateful For… the opportunity to soar with Christ.

Tracker Questions

How does pride try to creep its way into your life? In what areas are you susceptible to its lies and grip?

What will you do to rebuke pride and stand firmly with faith in Jesus Christ?

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