2/18/24 Lit Word “Feed on His Faithfulness”
Feb 18, 2024Date: 2/18/24
Today's Reading:
OT: Leviticus 6:1 - 7:27
NT: Mark 3:7-30
Psalms: 37:1-11
Proverbs: 10:3-4
Neal’s Lit Word
Title: “Feed on His Faithfulness”
Scripture: Psalm 37:5
Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him and He will DO IT.
Observation: What is God saying to me?
Feed on the faithfulness of the Lord. Allow your interior world to be nourished by the Lord's goodness and kindness to His children. Commit to seeing His ways lived out in your life. Imagine His nourishment filling the soil of your soul. Be moved from this feeding into a deep seeded trust and God will do what needs to be done as you watch with amazement. Trust is the treasure that flows from a heart that feeds and is nourished in God’s faithfulness.
Application: What will I do about it?
In this world, our hearts are continually offered distractions that steal our attention. Worry, anxiety, fear of the future and concern for ourselves drive our desires from a very young age. Transformation is the process of renewal from being self absorbed, to being absorbed in the Love and faithfulness of the Father. Feed on His faithfulness through meditating, fixing your mind and heart on the truth of His love toward you.
Jesus, You modeled love in its perfect form. I open the access to my heart to You, form Your love inside of me. Your desire for me is my desire for Me. Holy Spirit, have Your way. Amen.
I Am Grateful For… the internal nourishment of God
Tracker Questions
If you were to assess your heart's condition and what it has been feeding on over the last few days, what has been your primary source of food?
How can you feed more intentionally on the faithfulness of God today?
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