2/24/24 Lit Word “Bedrock”
Feb 24, 2024Date: 2/24/24
Today's Reading:
OT: Leviticus 15:1 - 16:34
NT: Mark 7:1-23
Psalms: 40:11-17
Proverbs: 10:13-14
Neal’s Lit Word
Title: “Bedrock”
Scripture: Psalm 40:11
Thy lovingkindness and thy truth will continually preserve me.
Observation: What is God saying to me?
It’s easy to get caught giving great attention to distractions that will not preserve you. These distractions look like they may be your answer but they are decoys and false friends when they are not built on a bedrock of trust in God’s lovingkindness and truth.
The key word I am focusing on here is “preserve,” which means to “guard, protect, keep and maintain.”
Let’s dig a little deeper here… sometimes we look to things other than God to preserve us. These are a few quick examples…
Our parents, spouses, romantic relationships, friends….
Money, strategy, effort and success….
Though these things are all good to lean on, they cannot be your ultimate “guard and protection.” They will not keep you and maintain you for the long haul.
Only God building a life on the bedrock of God’s lovingkindness and truth will preserve you both now and forever.
Application: What will I do about it?
Build a foundation on God through standing on His lovingkindness and truth today. Good news is He will help you. Invite Him into the details of your life today just as you would invite a friend to hang out with you throughout the day. He will speak love and truth to you and keep you from harm's way, leading you to a land of joy and peace, in Jesus’ name!
Holy Spirit, be my guide. Teach me, lead me, walk with me and show me how much you love me. All truth is your truth, therefore help me to be a lover of God and a lover of truth. You are Truth! Amen
I Am Grateful For… a bedrock of love and truth.
Tracker Questions
Name the things you tend to naturally lean on apart from your relationship with God. (effort, money, people, personality, looks – haha)
How can you build a better bedrock through Jesus in order to be preserved by God on a deeper level today?
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