2/26/24 Lit Word "Deep Disruptions"

Feb 26, 2024

Date: 2/26/24
Today's Reading:
OT: Leviticus 19:1 - 20:21
NT: Mark 8:11-38
Psalms: 42:1-11
Proverbs: 10:16

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: "Deep Disruptions”

Scripture: Psalm 42:5

Why are you in despair, O my soul?
And why have you become disturbed with me?
Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence. 


Observation: What is God saying to me?

Your soul hits hard moments of disturbance and despair for a reason.
Points of deep desperation drive you to your knees. The goal of being a follower of Jesus is not to be like a determined fighter who continues to get up on his own two feet through strength, effort and might. The goal is to recognize the only way to gain strength is from our knees crying out to the God who has the ability to lift you up out of the pit of despair.


Application: What will I do about it?

When we lose hope it’s because we have lost sight of where our true help comes from. You were not meant to live life separated from God. Instead, you were meant to come to the end of your ability in order to recognize that God’s presence is the only true help that can turn your turmoil from darkness to light. Hope in God.



Holy God, You are our ever present help in time of need. Teach us to place full hope and trust in You in all situations and renew our strength transforming us time and time again into people of deep seeded, Spirit filled trust in the God who always rescues His children when they call upon His name in sincerity and truth! Amen


I Am Grateful For… the God who lifts me up!

Tracker Questions

What nagging disruptions are keeping you on your knees in this season of your life?

How can these disruptions bring you to a place of trust in the God who saves?

What will you do about it?

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