5/16/24 Lit Word “Break the Religious Box”

May 16, 2024

Date: 5/16/24
Today's Reading:
OT: 1 Samuel 20:1 - 21:15
NT: John 9:1-41
Psalms: 113:1 -114:8
Proverbs: 14:30-31

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Break the Religious Box”

Scripture: John 9:25b, 29, 30

The man who was blind from birth but was just healed is now being questioned by the “religious” people who did not like what Jesus was doing and the way Jesus was doing it. These are the responses of the formerly blind man to the religious people.

25b “One thing I do know, that once I was blind but now I see.”

29 The religious people replied, “We know that God has spoken to Moses; but as for this man, Jesus, we do not know where He is from.”

30 The formerly blind man replied, “Well, here is an amazing thing, that you do not know where He is from, and yet He opened my eyes.”

Observation: What is God saying to me?

Humans get clouded in their ability to see what I (the Lord) am doing because they assume they know how I work. They put Me in their “religious box” and think that in the box of their experience and understanding is the only place I operate. I love breaking “religious boxes.” You cannot put Me in a box and still thrive. I exist and operate outside of your box. This is where you meet me in new, fresh, eye opening ways. Little by little I will open your eyes, blow your mind and break your box so you can’t put Me in it. You don’t want Me in a box, you want Me in every detail of your life. That can’t happen if I’m stuck in a box. Don’t fight these eye opening moments, let Me break your box. I need room to run in the details of your days.

Application: What will I do about it?

I will invite the Lord to break religious boxes for me and for those around me. I am committed to living in the mind blowing reality that God loves me and wants to open the eyes of blind men around me. Whatever He wants to do, I want to see it and be part of it.


Jesus, please don’t let me put You in a box. I want to see as much of who You are and what You do as you are willing to show me. I love you! Amen


I Am Grateful For… eye opening experiences

Tracker Questions

In what ways do you attempt to put Jesus in a religious box and limit what you experience with Him?

What causes you to default to putting Him in the box? (experiences, teachers, your limited understanding???)

What will you do to allow Jesus to break the box by the power of the Holy Spirit?

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