5/21/24 Lit Word "Build a House that Lasts"

May 21, 2024

Date: 5/21/24
Today's Reading:
OT: 2 Samuel 1:1 - 2:11
NT: John 12:20-50
Psalms: 118:19-29
Proverbs: 15:5-7

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: "Build a House that Lasts"

Scripture: Psalm 118:22

The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone;

Observation: What is God saying to me?

This reference refers to Me (Jesus), as being the Stone the builders rejected. I was rejected and crucified by the religious leaders while on earth, God overturned their rejection and made Me the Chief Cornerstone.

Look intently into your life and see if there are any ways that you are rejecting Me? What are the ways you are rejecting Me? I am continually speaking to you, trying to get your attention so that I can help you build a heavenly house that lasts.

When you give Me your attention then I show you the way. Often, your life is crowded and distracted, your attention gets placed on inferior things.

I (the Lord) am the Chief Cornerstone, look to Me do what you know to do.
Distractions steal your attention and whether intentional or unintentional on your part, they cause you to reject the good plans I have for you. Don’t get lost in distraction, your distraction is your rejection of Me. Rather, place your focus on hearing and putting into practice what I show you. Then you will build a house that lasts and will experience the life I died for you to enjoy.


Application: What will I do about it?

Take extra time today to center your attention on Jesus. Pray, worship and then write down the most important and immediate action you are going to take in order that you, in obedience, can build a house that lasts.


Jesus, only You know what we should do in this life. Allow us the grace to hear what You have to say and do it today! We reject being people who reject You. We put our attention on You fully today! Amen!


I Am Grateful For… the Chief Cornerstone

Tracker Questions

Look intently at your life and see if there are any ways that you are rejecting Jesus? What are the ways you are rejecting Him?

What has been stealing your attention and distracting you from giving your full attention to God, not only hearing God, but acting on what He says?

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