6/2/24 Lit Word “He Has This”

Jun 02, 2024

Date: 6/2/24
Today's Reading:
OT: 2 Samuel 20:15 - 22:20
NT: Acts 1:1-26
Psalms: 121:1-8
Proverbs: 16:18

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “He Has This”

Scripture: Proverbs 16:18

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling.

Observation: What is God saying to me?

Pride and haughtiness are one in the same. Our pride, pleasure and satisfaction should not be in our own achievements. Our identity should not be closely tied to the “great things” we have accomplished. Instead of taking pleasure in ourselves and how much we know or have achieved we should take pride in who we know, Jesus, and what He has achieved. Jesus will never point you down a road of destruction but your self satisfied pride certainly will. If you want to stay in a place of victory, humility and surrender to the way of Jesus is the only answer. Pride says “I know,” humility says, “Teach me.”

Application: What will I do about it?

Cast all of your accomplishments and failures to Jesus. Surrender any thought that “You’ve got this” and turn it to “He’s got this.” Be willing to see yourself as small so that He can show Himself as strong.


Jesus, there have been so many times throughout my life that I’ve had an “I know” mentality. Please forgive me for thinking that I can do anything good apart from You. Time and time again You have shown yourself faithful and strong, You have proven that You are in this with me and working through me. This is not my own accomplishment, this is a partnership with You that flows from brokenness and humility. Continue to lead me and work through me Jesus. You get the credit for any accomplishments. Amen!

I Am Grateful For… Jesus’ the One who really “has this.”

Tracker Questions

How has pride blinded you and caused you to stumble at various points in your life?

Is the Spirit pointing out any places of pride in you right now?

How will you put this pride in check and surrender to Jesus today?

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