7/11/24 Lit Word ❌ Tiny Deliverance Doses

Jul 11, 2024

Date: 7/24/24
Today's Reading:
OT: 1 Chronicles 12:23 - 14:17
NT: Romans 1:1-17
Psalms: 9:11-20
Proverbs: 19:4-5

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: ❌ Tiny Deliverance Doses

Scripture: Romans 1:16

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.


Observation: What is God saying to me?

Do you live with any bashfulness toward sharing who I am or what I have done? Do you dance around the subject or my salvation and power?

In the depth of your being I want you to experience My salvation. Total deliverance is what I offer and yet sometimes you settle for tiny doses of deliverance. My story, past, present and future is the good news referred to as the “gospel.” It ↗️ is the power of God for salvation. I am the power of God for total deliverance both now and forever.

If there is anything to be bashful about, the story of Jesus, the gospel, isn’t it! Total deliverance from demonic oppression that steals your joy and causes you to war and stumble is available. I (Jesus) can heal every broken part of you and restore you through total deliverance from the hand of the enemy? Will you receive it or will you continue to be bashful?

Get it while the gettin is good!

Application: What will I do about it?

Receive a full dose of what is available to you through faith in action.
Discipline your distracted mind, body and spirit to come boldly before God’s throne of grace and mercy!

1️⃣ Humble yourself.
2️⃣ Confess before God
3️⃣ Be filled with His love and power
4️⃣ Do what you know He has called you to do
5️⃣ Repeat Continually


Holy Spirit, through You we receive power. Jesus, through You we receive the Spirit. Father God, through You we receive the gift of Jesus. Combined we receive the power of God to salvation for all who believe. We believe, Lord, help our unbelief. Amen!

I Am Grateful For… the power of God and His salvation.

Tracker Questions

Do you live with any bashfulness toward sharing who Jesus is or what He has done?

Do you dance around the subject or His salvation and power?

How can you abandon being ashamed of the gospel in every way?

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