7/16/24 Lit Word “Wake Up Sleepy Head”

Jul 16, 2024

Date: 7/16/24
Today's Reading:
OT: 1 Chronicles 24:1 - 26:11
NT: Romans 4:1-12
Psalms: 13:1-6
Proverbs: 19:15-16

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Wake Up Sleepy Head”

Scripture: Proverbs 19:15

Laziness casts into a deep sleep,
And an idle man will suffer hunger.

Observation: What is God saying to me?

When it comes to the ways of Jesus, many are sleeping in America.
People spend great amounts of time and energy seeking comfort and pleasure. They want to enjoy the finer things in life and don’t put in the work of a relationship to have a thriving relationship with Me.

You don’t want to be caught sleeping when you should be harvesting.
The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Don’t sleep through harvest season. It’s time to get up, wash your face and be on mission with Me.

You’ll have plenty of time to rest but right now it’s time to work. Good news!
The labor I’m asking you to be about is not slave labor, it isn’t gruesome, gut wrenching work. Rather, it’s the work of a delegate of heaven, an ambassador who is commissioned to bring incredible news to the world around you.
You are being called to walk and work with the King of kings, bringing the greatest message ever heard to a world that is hungry for something new and real. Put on the robe and ring of heavens royalty and humbling work as an ambassador of heaven.

Application: What will I do about it?

1️⃣ Wake Up
2️⃣ Embrace your God-given identity
3️⃣ Put on the Robe and Ring
4️⃣ Bring heavens message and power to a hungry world
5️⃣ Enjoy some rest at the end of the work day



Jesus, forgive us for being distracted and sleeping when we should have been praying, watching and working. We repent of laziness and welcome the workload in your name. Send us as ambassadors to a lost and hurting world in your strength and power. Amen!

I Am Grateful For… wake up call

Tracker Questions

In what ways have you been ignoring your calling and sleeping when it comes to the Kings business?
What will you do to pivot from this poor position to embrace the gift of going in Jesus’ name?

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