7/25/23 Lit Word "Not My Future"

Jul 25, 2023

Date: 7/25/23 

Today's Reading: 

   Quick Read: 1 Peter 4:1-11 

   A Little More: Isaiah 43, 1 Peter 4 

   A Lot More: Isaiah 43-45, 1 Peter 4 


Neal’s Lit Word 

Title: Starting Over – Your Past is Not Your Future 

Scripture:  Isaiah 43:18,19

Do not call to mind the former things or ponder (think about) the things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. 

Observation: What is God saying to me? 

Let go of the past, don’t think about it anymore. Looking back prevents us from seeing what’s ahead. If we are stuck in the rearview we can’t be aware of what’s coming. Something is about to spring forth, look to the bright future so you fly by the new thing God is doing in your future. 

Application: What will I do about it?   

The devil is always trying to point out the past. He wants us to bring to mind all of our failures in order to keep us stuck in the pit of despair. He wants us to quit moving forward by causing us to call to mind the things of the past. 

When the devil wants to keep you stuck in your past, in the old things, remind him of his future. His time is short and he wants to pull us into his future by separating us from God. 

Today I will keep my eyes looking forward, not dwelling on the past. New things are springing up and I am experiencing new things right now. I will be aware of what springs up because I have my eyes on the road ahead. 


Heavenly Father, thank you for deleting my past, making me new (2 Cor 5:17) The old is gone, the new has come. You have shown me mercy for my past, not giving me the punishment I deserve. You have shown me grace for my future, loving me with perfect love. I receive the NEW THINGS you are springing forth. In Jesus Name, Amen. 

I Am Grateful For… New Things and a deleted past. 

Tracker Questions 

Do you find yourself continually dwelling on specific things from the past? 

What are the things that you tend to recall from the past that keep you stuck there?

Take a moment to release the past by reciting this declaration. 

I declare, my past mistakes and problems will not hold me back from the future God has for me. I am no longer tied to my past, today I am made new and have my eyes on the prize of the new things God is bringing into my future. This is my declaration. 

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