7/30/24 Lit Word “New Agreement”

Jul 30, 2024

Date: 7/30/24
Today's Reading:
OT: 2 Chronicles 29:1-36
NT: Romans 14:1-23
Psalms: 24:1-10
Proverbs: 20:12

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “New Agreement”

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 29:15

And they assembled their brothers, consecrated themselves, and went in to cleanse the house of the Lord, according to the commandment of the king by the words of the Lord.


Observation: What is God saying to me?

I (the Lord) am the one who ultimately makes you clean but you have a part in the cleaning process. When you step into the “new covenant,” you accept the cleansing that I sacrificially provided on the cross where I shed My blood. You are cleansed before God through this sacrificial service of the cross by My blood. A “covenant” is an agreement. Through the cross a new agreement has been created between God and man, one of forgiveness and cleansing making available to you the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Through this new covenant you are free from the guilt of your sin. This is good news!

Now, as filled members of my body, you are co-missioned to remain filled with the Holy Spirit, to listen to the Spirit and to do what he says. This is your part in the consecration process. This verse says to “consecrate yourselves.” You can do this through committing to cleansing, not through your own power or strength, but as you are led by the Holy Spirit. To be consecrated is to be “cleaned, to make clean, to dedicate yourself and to treat your calling as sacred with God.”

This is a moment in time when you are being called to consecrate yourselves. Set aside that which you know to be unclean and allow My Spirit to work a cleansing in your life and spaces through the power of the agreement I formed with you through My death and resurrection.

Acts: 1:9 You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.

Application: What will I do about it?

Consecration Process:
1️⃣ Embrace the New Covenant or “Agreement” in Christs Blood
2️⃣ Invite and Be Filled with the Holy Spirit Daily Spirit Baptism
3️⃣ Attentively Listen to the Holy Spirit through the Word and Prayer
4️⃣ Carefully Follow His Instructions for Consecration and Cleansing
Personally - (internally and externally)
Spaces for Service - (internally and externally)
5️⃣ Watch as His Power Changes You and the World Around You.


Jesus, thank you for a New Agreement, for destroying the works of death through the old agreement. The contract against us is no longer active and instead a new contract of partnership, peace and power are activated. Help us to walk carefully, respectfully and positively in the direction you are calling us, without fear or hesitation. Guide us with Your Holy Spirit. Amen


I Am Grateful For… the new partnership agreement

Tracker Questions

What does it look like for you to participate and partner with the Holy Spirit in the consecration process right now?

What stage of the process are you in?

What steps will you take today to begin the process?

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