7/31/23 Lit Word "Rend the Heavens"
Jul 31, 2023Date: 7/31/23
Today's Reading:
Quick Read: John 2:1-12
A Little More: Psalms 107, John 2
A Lot More: Isaiah 63-64, Ps 107, John 2:1-12
Neal’s Lit Word
Title: “Rend the Heavens”
Scripture: Isaiah 64:1
Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down!
Observation: What is God saying to me?
What are you longing for? What is your deepest longing?
Is it a relationship with someone here on earth? Is it money, possessions, fame, or happiness? What is your deepest longing?
Isaiah looked at the situation around him, the condition of the people in the world and knew the only answer was for God to show up and make His presence known. Therefore he cried out to God… “Oh!!! That you would rend the heavens and come down.”
To rend means to rip open. It means to sever the barrier between us.
Guess what! What Isaiah longed for, for God to tear open the heavens and come down has already happened. Jesus ripped the heavens open and came down. If you seek Him with all of your heart, you have access to an open heaven right over your head!
Application: What will I do about it?
I want to live more deeply in the reality that God has ripped the heavens open for me and made Himself available to me. If God makes Himself available to me, then I need to make myself available to God.
This is the only way I can enjoy the benefits of heaven on earth, but more importantly this is the only way I can be a conduit, a channel of blessing from heaven to earth.
I want to see heaven invade earth at a new level…
I don’t want to miss any appointments Jesus has set for me.
I don’t want to be unavailable to the One who ripped heaven open for me.
Heavenly Father, I am available. I am Yours for the taking. I am thankful you made a way for me to be with You, to experience forgiveness when I don’t deserve it, to enjoy Your presence when I shouldn’t be allowed in it.
I am Yours! In Jesus Name, Amen
I Am Grateful For… Open heavens and a longing for deeper relationship with Jesus.
Tracker Questions
Describe any ways you see Jesus calling you into a deeper relationship with Him.
Where are you seeing the benefits of heaven invading your world?
What do you plan on doing to make yourself more available to God today?
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