7/31/24 Lit Word "False Hopes"

Jul 31, 2024

Date: 7/31/24
Today's Reading:
OT: 2 Chronicles 30:1 - 31:21
NT: Romans 15:1-21
Psalms: 25:1-11
Proverbs: 20:13-15

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “False Hopes”

Scripture: Romans 15:13

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing (faith), that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Observation: What is God saying to me?

What do you think about your future, do you see good in your future?
You are called to ABOUND in hope. This is the confidence that good is in your future and the certainty that you will obtain it.

Some rely on false hope. This would be making up a “positive storyline” based on what you want your future to look like. Positive storylines are not reality. Reality is this. To abound in confident expectation that good is in your future you must rely upon the power of My Holy Spirit.

Hope apart from this abiding power is a false hope leading you toward a fake future. You think your way into change, you must root your way into change by planting yourself near the water of My words and drinking of the well that never runs dry.
I know your future and will lead you in the right direction. Trust Me and trust this truth and you will experience goodness no human mind can conjure up.


Application: What will I do about it?

Get hungry enough and thirsty enough for the Living Word and Living Water that you are willing to deny your physical body in order to receive a dose of the Holy Spirit. (consider a fast in order to do your part in positioning yourself before God) Do it with joy, do it with hope!



Jesus, it’s easy to be filled with false hopes while living in America. Strategies, plans, and performance cannot be a substitute for the presence of your power through the Holy Spirit. Empower us to put you first and let it be shown in our physical lives too. Amen!

I Am Grateful For… expectation of obtaining good by God’s power and not human strategy

Tracker Questions

What do you think about your future, do you see good in your future?

What good do you anticipate or see?

How is rooting the Holy Spirit going to affect your false hopes and transform them to God’s plans?

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