8/27/23 Lit Word “Opposition Will Arise”
Aug 27, 2023Date: 8/27/23
Today's Reading:
OT: Job 23:1-27:23
NT: 2 Corinthians 1:12-22
Psalms: 41:1-13
Proverbs: 22:5-6
Neal’s Lit Word
Title: “Opposition Will Arise”
Scripture: Psalm 41:2
The Lord will protect him and keep him alive,
And he shall be called blessed upon the earth;
And do not give him over to the desire of his enemies.
Observation: What is God saying to me?
I, the Lord, am your protector. I sustain you when the world and its workers attack you. When you walk with Me you have to expect opposition to come against you. If they hate Me, surely they will hate you also. It isn’t that everyone will hate you, it's those who are in opposition to Me who will oppose you. Learn to have joy in the middle of opposition, when odds seem to be stacked against you. Know this, if you continue to walk with Me, many will see and you will be called the blessed of the earth.
Application: What will I do about it?
Gratitude and trust are the response to serious attacks from the enemy.
The body of Christ should not attack itself. When it does, it is not acting like the body of Christ. Attacks on one another are always a ploy of the dark side to destroy the works of God. It is not you they are opposing, it is God they are attacking. It isn’t that we don’t make mistakes and sometimes act in ways that are not Godly, it's that when we do we wholeheartedly turn back to Jesus and accept His unconditional love and mercy.
Holy Lord, You alone have the ability to snuff the voice of the enemy. You alone are the One who knows how to judge perfectly. We submit to your timing and trust Your decisions. The only place we look to for help is YOU.
I Am Grateful For… protection from God
Tracker Questions
Think back and describe a time when you took matters into your own hands rather than trusting God to fight your battles. What was the outcome?
How has this Lit Word caused you to think differently about how to handle opposition in this world?
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