8/3/23 Lit Word "Marvel Even More"
Aug 03, 2023Date: 8/3/23
Today's Reading:
Quick Read: John 5:16-47
A Little More: Nahum 2, John 5
A Lot More: Nahum 1-3, John 5
Neal’s Lit Word
Title: “Marvel Even More”
Scripture: John 5:20
“For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing; and greater works than these will He show Him, that you may marvel.”
Observation: What is God saying to me?
God wants us to marvel at what He is actively doing. What does it mean to marvel? It means to be astonished, filled with wonder, to appreciate, applaud or admire. God wants to give us a reason to say “Wow, look at what God has done.”
Application: What will I do about it?
The only way for us to marvel at what God has done is for God to show us what He is doing. When we seek God He reveals to us what He is up to. It’s kind of like catching up with an old friend. When we talk to them we ask them “What have you been doing?” That is a question that God loves for us to ask Him.
Insert the MIND BLOWN emoji.
We need to sit with Jesus to catch up with Him and find out what He is doing. When we take the time to do this, we end up mind blown with His wonders. We sit back and MARVEL at what He does.
Heavenly Father, please show me what you are up to. I love seeing the ways you work in me and in the world around me. Your works blow my mind time and time again. Do it again Lord, show me your ways that I can partner with You in the effort. In Jesus Name, Amen.
I Am Grateful For… the moments of marveling at what God does.
Tracker Questions
What is God currently showing you that is causing you to marvel at His ways?
What do you need to do to draw more near to Jesus so you can marvel even more?
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