9/18/24 Lit Word “Does it Seem Right?”

Sep 18, 2024

Date: 9/18/24
Today's Reading:
OT: Isaiah 28:16 - 30:11
NT: Galatians 3:26 - 4:31
Psalms: 62:1-12
Proverbs: 23:19-21

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Does it Seem Right?”

Scripture: Proverbs 23:19

Listen my son, and be wise, and direct your heart in the way.

Observation: What is God saying to me?

Simple? Yes!
Easy? Not always!
Worth it? Every time!

There is a way that “seems right” to a person but it’s end is the way of destruction. (proverbs 14:12)

For much of your life you have moved in the way that “seemed right.”
Sometimes things worked out ok and other times were a train wreck for you and the ones you love.

I (the Lord) want you to listen clearly so that wisdom can light the way and direct your heart. Rather than being pulled in directions that “seem right,” I want to guide you in the way that is right.
This way is the most fruitful path. This path is not for fools. Wisdom to walk in the way is what I give to My friends.

When you learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others and you invite Me, wisdom will be your guide and great things will happen as you walk the pathway to My promises.


Application: What will I do about it?

Wisdom isn’t something we pick up and put down.
Like a compass that is always set before you on a journey, wisdom must be kept close and obeyed at every turn.

Declaration: I declare, today I walk with wisdom from heaven. I am not a fool who goes in ways that seem right, I am a man who walks in the way that is right. Wisdom from the Holy Spirit is my guide. Many will be blessed because of My choice to walk in wisdom. This is my declaration.



Jesus, thank you for the Holy Spirit. What a blessing. I rebuke the arrogance of the heart and mind that seeks to go its own way. I lay down my life before you. Rid me of pride and lead me as a humble servant before a Holy God. Amen!

I Am Grateful For… the way of wisdom, and pitfalls avoided.

Tracker Questions

Think of a time that you avoided wisdom and it led to destruction.

How will you do better to walk in wisdom and avoid these pitfalls in the future?

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