9/19/24 LIt Word “Pathway to Performance”

Sep 19, 2024

Date: 9/19/24
Today's Reading:
OT: Isaiah 30:12 - 33:9
NT: Galatians 5:1-15
Psalms: 63:1-11
Proverbs: 23:22

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Pathway to Performance”

Scripture: Galatians 5:6

…but faith working through love.
…but through love serve one another.

In the Bible dictionary each word is associated with a number ↙️

Faith - 4102 / Belief in divine truth that produces good works
Working - 1754 / To be active and energetic proving oneself strong
Love - 26/25 / Doing not what people want but what they need
Serve - 1398 / Position of a servant whose actions benefit others
Stumbling Block 4625 / The trigger in the trap on which bait is placed


Observation: What is God saying to me?

I don’t want you to get caught up in rules and laws following Me.
Instead, focus on this pathway of love that leads to serving one another.

Faith, deep belief in divine truth produces good works.
To work is to prove strength through your divinely energized actions.
This is done through love, not the tit for tat conditional kind of love that says “I will love you if you love me.” This love is heavenly, it’s different from what the world has taught you. This love is not giving people what they want but being wise enough to give them what they need.

True faith leads to love working through God’s servant to help, not hurt one another.

Satan knows this, therefore he sets all sorts of traps for you to fall into. You must beware of the stumbling blocks that immobilize your ability to love.


Application: What will I do about it?

Faith begins with deep conviction and belief in divine truth. Jesus is the fleshly example of divine truth found in scripture and the Holy Spirit is the helper who gives wisdom and instruction on how to live in Jesus.

Center on divine truth everyday and welcome the Holy Spirit to be your guide and instructor. Have courage to step out in faith as the Spirit leads.
When you do this, the rest will take care of itself and people around you will be loved well.

Apart from faith centered in God’s truth united with love, all of your efforts fall short.



Holy Spirit, I welcome You to instruct me today. I love your ways and want to learn from You. You are the Teacher, I am your student. You are the King, I am your servant. I stand in Your truth and love today. In Jesus’ name. Amen

I Am Grateful For… a “Pathway to Performance”

Tracker Questions

Are there things you need to change about your love life?

What are they?

How will faith and works lead you to love more like Jesus?

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