Celebrate (3 Minute Read)

celebrate party patterns Oct 06, 2021


LIT VERSE: Esther 9:28 So these days were to be remembered and celebrated throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city; and these days of Purim were not to fail from among the Jews, or their memory fade from their descendants.


Celebration is something we are supposed to “do.” It’s not to be taken lightly. When you pass the test, you have a testimony. You don’t get testimony without trials and testing. Celebrations are like badges we wear to remind us of where we came from and how we got to where we are. The Mighty Hand of God has led us through thick and thin, time and time again. It’s his hand that has caused our enemies to be silenced. It’s His grace that has covered our compromise and mercifully led us through circumstances we had no idea how to navigate on our own.


When a mountain is moved an altar should be made. Altars are meant to make us remember. Altars can be made of many things. A ring on the finger is an altar for marriage, a reminder of commitment and the one you love. Altars can be writings, rocks, or days and times of the week. They can also be feasts and celebrations. They are meant to teach, train, and remind the current and coming generations of what the Lord has done and how He led us through the wilderness and drove out every enemy.


Today I will celebrate…
Today I will remember…
Today I will remind myself, my family and friends of the recent great things the Lord has done.

I AM GRATEFUL FOR… the reminder to celebrate.

Are you good at celebrating the hand of God moving in your life?
How can you get better at it?
Are there any days, dates, or landmark memories that you can make an altar of celebration out of?
Are you willing to rejoice, feast, and celebrate on a regular rhythm?

Neal’s Personal Guardrails for the month. .
A Track Step is “how we start small but start now.” If you’re not stepping your stalling

Track Step #1 (God) Daily Power Hour
Track Step #2 (Health) 30/45 Movement
Track Step #3 (Money) Cut spending / Increase Income
Track Step #4 (People) Kaden - Sync Schedule / Intentional Results
Track Step #5 (Mission) Write/Post/Create/Challenge Every Day

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