Faith-Full (3 Minute Read)

mission sit with the spirit Oct 09, 2021

LIT VERSE: Nehemiah 1 and 2 vs. 3,4,6,9,12-17,19

3 People were in great distress, city broken down
4 I sat down wept, prayed, mourned, and fasted before the God of heaven
6 Please hear my day and night prayer and confession, “We have sinned.”
9 God scatters the unfaithful and regathers the faithful to the place He has chosen His name to dwell.
12-17 Nehemiah counts the land and makes a plan, places his trust in granting success
19 Opposition shows up from the old regime


Clarity, steadfast focus, and a good plan all must be backed by the hand of God in order for success to be granted. The favor falls on the faithful. Passion and purpose are backed by provision when God blesses the Faith-Full.



Stay Faith-Full (believe 4100 and act 6213)
Stand before the God of heaven consistently
God and Do what He shows you
Celebrate and trust along the way

I AM GRATEFUL FOR… opportunity to go again

Where is your faith being challenged right now?
What is God leading you to do in this season to help your community?

Neal’s Personal Track Steps for Today.
A Track Step is “how we start small but start now.”
If you’re not stepping your stalling

Track Step #1 (God) Daily Power Hours
Track Step #2 (Health) 30/45 Stretch and Movement
Track Step #3 (Money) Cut Spending and Increase Income
Track Step #4 (People) Kaden - Sync Schedule / intentional Results
Track Step #5 (Mission) Write / Post / Challenge / Create / Everyday

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