Fake Out Fear
Oct 12, 2020LIT VERSE: Nehemiah 6
Key Passages
The Enemy's Tactics
6:13 “the enemy” was hired for the reason that I might become frightened and fail.
6:14 “the enemy” was sent in order to frighten me.
The Enemy's Failure
6:16 When all our enemies heard that we finished what we started (the wall), they lost their confidence; for they recognized that this work had been accomplished with the help of God.
The Sub-Heading of chapter 6 is “The Enemies Plot”
The enemy is telling a story to everyone. The intention of the story is to get you to stop following God’s plan for your life. He uses intense and grotesque accusations and allegations to get you and others to question your motivation. If you doubt your own intentions, you open the door for FEAR to FAKE YOU OUT.
When FEAR FAKES YOU OUT, you end up quitting or, if nothing else, slowing down. The enemy is trying to kill your progress. He wants your forward momentum annihilated. If you keep going in the direction of obedience to your calling, the enemy loses ground and he loses souls.
He hates that, so he seeks to use FAKE FEAR to cause you to FALL OUT.
DON’T TAKE THE BAIT! Don’t bite the hook!
Instead, FAKE OUT FEAR by not letting FAKE fear tactics win. You won't let them win if you don’t let them in!
The enemy will lose his confidence and quit coming at you if you don’t let him know you are scared. To the enemy, fear is like blood in the water; it creates a feeding frenzy.
When you stay the course and keep your eye focused on your divine destination without allowing fear to be a distraction, you will deflate the enemy and he will eventually move on to new territory.
Don’t get discouraged and let the enemy win. Courage is only courage in the face of fear. If there is nothing to be afraid of, then it doesn’t require courage. Press into your calling with courage and confidence and the enemy will eventually lose heart and quit.
Today, I will pray with courage and confidence, not that I am strong or I have it all figured out, but knowing that the Spirit does thanking God that He’s my guide!
I AM GRATEFUL FOR… for guidance through gruesome territory, where the enemy would love to steal, kill and destroy. Grateful that God is my Guide and will lead me to FAKE OUT FEAR.
- Where are you experiencing fear in your life right now?
- What areas of your life are connected to the fear?
- How will you bring God into this area of your life so that you can Fake Out Fear?
Talk with a Crew member about this. Pray for courage.
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