Guess What
Dec 27, 2020LIT VERSE: Psalm 119:130
The unfolding of your word gives light, it gives understanding to the simple.
When you are given a gift, it’s exciting to unwrap and discover what's inside. There is a mysterious sense of expectation for what is coming. We need to approach the word with the same excitement and expectation.
The word makes the simple spiritually smart. It’s like there is a dose of understanding and transformation hidden in every package. Each day as we sit before the word, it unfolds before us and has a mystery wrapped in it.
On Christmas we gave our daughter Bradlie a box with a folded up note in it. The outside of the folded paper said, “guess what?” Each day we need to think of coming to the word with this sort of Guess What expectation of good.
When you sit with me, I unfold mysteries and understanding before your eyes. I enlighten the eyes of your heart, which before the unfolding were dim, incapable of understanding, and far from my thoughts. It’s in My word that the simpleton is made spiritually smart.
Today I will dwell on the Lit Word and allow the Lit Word to dwell inside me. When the word dwells richly in me, then those around me will experience the light through me.
I AM GRATEFUL FOR… the unfolding of the word. I wait in expectation for what is unfolding before me.
- Do you have an expectation of God’s goodness coming from the unfolding of His word?
- If you do not, then what do you need to do to fan the flame of expectation?
- Are you richly dwelling throughout the day in the presence of the unfolded word?
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