Land of Light (3 Min Read)

sit with the spirit Dec 07, 2021

Colossians 1:13 For He delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.

The overwhelming feeling of deliverance is difficult to express in words. When I was torn from darkness and despair and planted in the “land of light” I never felt more alive, loved, protected, warm, and cared for. This transfer from one domain to the other caused me to be completely sold out to walking with Jesus. That is literally what it means to be in the land of the light, it’s walking with Jesus each day. Imagine Jesus as a brilliant light, where the light is, darkness cannot be. This is why walking with Jesus is a literal standing in the light. Darkness still seeks to overpower me, this is a constant battle. I have old tendencies that are dark within me that are still in the process of being transformed to the land of the light in this very moment. My job is to keep my attention on who I’m walking with, because it can be easy to forget. When I lose my focus on who I’m walking with, darkness tends to overpower me and life gets really difficult.

Don’t forget that you have been delivered from that dark domain and transferred into my domain. I chose you. I am here, don’t forget that. Enjoy my presence and walk with Me step for step. I will never lead you astray.

Today I will fix my eyes on my Deliverer, the One who transferred me from hell to heaven. The One who wants heaven to invade every aspect of earth and my life.

I AM GRATEFUL FOR… the domain transfer.

Do you feel like you are caught between two domains?
What needs to change in your life for the transfer from darkness to light to be complete?

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