Rally Time
Oct 11, 2020LIT VERSE: Nehemiah Chapters 3 & 4
The clear call is for each person and family to build and repair the brokenness right in front of them. Each family builds in front of their own house. It’s the easiest way to divy up the labor.
As they are putting up the wall little by little, the opposers ridicule and attempt to discourage those who are working, but with specific focus the workers overcome the haters.
When haters come, we cannot allow them to steal our focus. We have to stay the course. They did this by picking up shields and shovels. We are called to be warriors who work, watch and worship at the same time.
We need to rally the Crew to do this too.
You are called to rally those who have a heart to rebuild and repair the walls of the city. Create rally points and clear calls to distinguish next steps for the builders. Station the workers and the warriors as watchmen who wait for the clear call of the Spirit. Move as He moves. When jealous opposers ridicule, hate, sow doubt, discord, mock and minimize, fend them off through focus on forward motion. Guard what is sacred, restore what is broken, rally to the rampart, and watch as the Lord makes a way.
Today I will listen intently for what this means practically to the building process. There is much to do. God help us see what you are doing and partner with You in your work. The harvest is great. Show us the way, the work, and the workers you want to bring into this mission.
I AM GRATEFUL FOR… clear calls to partner in specific tasks
What are you rallying to right now in your life? Can you identify anything the Spirit is clearly calling you to partner with? Is there a mission at hand that is clear to you? What is it? Share your thoughts with your Crew.
Neal’s Personal Track Steps for Today. A Track Step is “how we start small but start now.” If you’re not stepping your stalling
- Track Step #1 (God) Identify the simple clear call
- Track Step #2 (Health) H20
- Track Step #3 (Money) Check on Financial Positions
- Track Step #4 (People) Amie and Magnolia
- Track Step #5 (Mission) Chip on Book - Record Lit Words - Social Posts
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