You Need a Blanket
Sep 30, 2020LIT VERSE: Luke 11:3
Give us each day our daily bread...
You and I don’t know what we TRULY NEED. We don’t know what’s best for this day let alone the future. Come on, let’s be real here. How would you know what you need when you have no idea what’s coming next. If a snowstorm is on the way, you don’t need a new bathing suit. You need a blanket. God knows what you need. You know what you want. He knows what you need. That’s why Jesus’ teaching about prayer is so important. It gives us a template for the process of prayer that can transform our lives.
The disciples who were following Jesus asked Him a pretty important and specific question. They asked Jesus if He would teach them how to pray. He went straight to it by using the prayer template popularly termed “The Lord's Prayer.” Luke’s account of this prayer template is a little shorter than Matthew’s, but the bones are still there.
Always, start with praising God and declaring who He is. It makes Him bigger and more powerful, and our problems smaller in view of Him. (hallowed be thy name) Invite His kingdom into our world and your life. (your kingdom come) Imagine what that means. His Kingdom is perfect, good, right, and true.
But here’s the part that really jumped at me today. GIVE US EACH DAY OUR DAILY BREAD.
This reminded me of the DAILY journey of trust. This reminded me that EACH DAY I am required to bring my wants, desires, and needs to the Spirit.
It is critical that we approach our day with this “daily” dependence in mind. Prayer is a process of continual trust that God will give us what we truly need each day. It allows us to rest and trust rather than strive and attempt to create something out of nothing. He knows what we need. He knows when we need it. He knows how to give it. You simply have to trust.
Prayer proclaims your dependence on the Creator. I know what you need and what you do not. I am a good Father who has your back in every way. When you use prayer to proclaim your trust, you allow me to be the Lord of your life. Your job then becomes to pray, trust, and walk in peace through every obstacle and issue.
Today I will cast my concerns on Him and then walk in peace enjoying the blessing of not having to worry about my future.
I AM GRATEFUL FOR… the prayer process and what happens in me when I trust the Spirit.
- Does your prayer life need a transformation? How so?
- Do you feel like your life is better described as striving to achieve or patience and trust?
- Talk about why prayer is difficult for you?
- Prayer should be enjoyable, how much do you enjoy prayer?
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