Good Guidance
LIT VERSE: Acts 8:25-40
Key Passages
How could I unless someone GUIDES me?
Guidance is key. Desire to seek the Spirit is a gift from above.
God can grant you the will to want to seek Him.
Guidance by the Spirit is the ultimate path.
A life yielded and divinely guided is the gateway to every good thing.
The Spirit sends His Spirit as a Guide.
The Spirit sends others to help Guide.
The guides are key to unlocking the indwelling of the Spirit.
“The Internal Guidance System (IGS)”
You don’t need External Guidance Systems when the IGS active within.
This is called the internal Light.
The Spirit is given through contact just like the spreading of a disease.
When you are touched by someone who is infected you too become infected, BUT ONLY ONCE the virus gets into your system.
If the virus stays on the outside, you are a carrier, but you are not yet infected.
You are outfected but not infected.
Pharisees in the bible were outfected. They cared and carried the devotion on the outside but it never made it inside. Therefore, the outside looked different, but the inside never changed.
The world needs good guidance.
Individuals need good guidance.
The greatest gift you can give anyone around you is to be infected by the goodness of God and then give your infection to others.
You touch others with what is touching you.
When someone is energized by a live power source, and they touch someone around them ,they feel the energy and the power flows through them to those they touch.
Your job is to stay connected to the power source, to stay internally energized and guided, in order to pass along what is happening in you.
In and through - it's what we do.
Power is key - to victory
Hold on tight - burn real bright
There is more - to what's in store
Smash the doubt - end the drought
Keep the charge - that’s living large
Burning bright - no more night --- Let’s Go !
I’m available in infinite supply. You can have as much as you want.
Get hungry and thirsty for Me. I will guide you through the IGS and you then guide others. That’s the Master Plan. Be about this business.
Today I will stoke the fire of the internal Spirit. I will train and touch others with what I have been given. It's a good time to spread the good news of a great God in the middle of a global pandemic.
I AM GRATEFUL FOR… the internal guidance system.
- How much are you leaning on the internal guidance system in your life?
- Who is guiding you?
- Who are you guiding?
- Where do you see a need for greater guidance in your life?
- What will you do to respond to this need?